Important Announcement
As of July 1, 2024, Greccio Housing will implement and enforce several changes in response to new state legislation. The new laws were intended to offer protections for the most vulnerable renters, but have also impacted how we operate to enact those protections. These changes come after months of research and efforts to find the most convenient and best ways to manage rent payments and to provide long-term stability for both Greccio and you, our residents, going forward.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding these changes and their impact on you, please contact your leasing agent before July 1, 2024.
1. RENT PAYMENTS AND DEMANDS. If you pay rent on time each month, this section will not impact you. If you pay rent after the due date of the 1st day of the month, demands for payment will be issued on the 3rd of the month. Per the terms of the lease a $30.00 serving fee will be charged in addition to your remaining balance. Demand service fees and late fees are different. Late fees will be assessed later in the month as outlined by House Bill 1098 (HB24-1098).
When rent is not paid by the 2nd day of the month, we will make two attempts at personal service before posting notices on doors. During attempts to serve demands, we request cooperation and respect. Aggressive or hostile are prohibited, as outlined in lease agreement, SECTION 34. Such behavior is a lease violation, may result in lease termination, and will be addressed in accordance with the law.
2. LATE PAYMENTS. Late payment and late fees are often misunderstood to be the same. Rent is due on the 1st of every month and is late on the 2nd, as outlined in lease agreement, SECTION 6. Late fees are now only allowed to be charged after the 10th of each month. Failure to pay rent will result in the actions described in part A of this letter and may lead to the termination of the lease and the resident’s relationship with Greccio Housing.
3. PAYMENT METHODS. Effective July 1, 2024, Greccio will accept payment only through RentCafe or CheckFreePay, a Walk-in Payment System (WIPS) available at locations throughout the city and near you. We will no longer accept payments over the phone, by check, or by money order. Drop boxes will be removed.
Residents are welcomed and encouraged to meet with their Leasing Agent office for assistance activating these options and instructions to easily transition to the new payment options. Options have been researched to ensure accuracy, privacy, convenience, and should save you the cost of money orders or some transaction fees.
If you have any hardship caused by these changes, please speak with your Leasing Agent or a member of the Resident Resources team before August 1, 2024. They may be able to provide more information on the new laws or changes in our processes, help plan to ensure payments are made on time, that you have access and understanding of the new payment options.
We thank you for respect and understanding. Should you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team. We look forward to continuing to serve you and ensure a safe, stable, and supportive living experience for all.